I went to the doctor last week. Apparently I'm in fine health, except my weight.
I am 105 pounds. 47 kilos. I'm also 65 inches tall, or 165 centimeters. That puts my BMI at, oh, pathetic. Specifically, 17.5.
Doctor says I need to gain weight this summer, which is not going to be easy. Why not? Here's my breakfast menu.
1/4 cup granola
1 bagel (large)
6 ounces yogurt
1 banana
Seasonal fruit
2x3x1/2 inch slab of ham
1 cup milk
1/2 cup juice.
Oh, and I'm best described as hyperactive. Mom, thankfully, has been trying to find constructive outlets for my energy. I now do gymnastics, baton twirling, dance classes, swim lessons, and noncompetitive basketball. I'm still hyper, but I have more fun this way.
So my goal this summer is to gain 20 pounds. That will make me an even 125, with a healthy BMI of 20.8.
Well, I'm off to have a quarter cup of peanut butter and six bananas. Breakfast was two hours ago, and it's still an hour till lunch!