Wednesday, January 27, 2010
My life seems like and endless cycle of chores. Every morning I have to get up, get dressed, make my bed, go downstairs and put on my jacket and boots, and go outside. Then I let Mary into her yard, spread fresh straw, add an armful of fresh hay (she doesn't have milk anymore), and carry a bucket of water for her (which is VERY heavy). Then I care for the geese. I let them out of their shed, rake out their droppings (eewww!), and get their food and water. Then I get to go inside, but my chores aren't finished. I let Blackie out of her crate, and I feed and water her too. Then I feed Shimmer and Forty-Niner. After that, I take Blackie for her morning walk. That's a lot to do before breakfast.