School is almost out, and Mom has big ideas for me this summer. Today, she asked me all about what I wanted to do this summer. This morning: "How would you like to go to swim classes this summer?" My answer: "I'd like that."(I was distracted with brushing Grizabela.) Lunch: "Do you think you would like to go to volleyball camp this summer?" My answer: "Sure, Mom." An hour ago: "There's acting camp this summer." My answer: "That'd be fun." Ten minutes ago: "I wonder if we could get a music teacher for you this summer." My answer: "I think I can manage with you helping me with the piano." (Mom is a piano teacher.) Just now: "The summer reading program at the library is starting next week. It looks fun. The theme is 'Travel the World-- Read!'." My reply: "Does it have good prizes?" As you can see, there's a lot of stuff Mom wants me to do this summer.