Sunday, February 26, 2012
Amish Friendship Bread
Help! We're swimming in Amish Friendship Bread! For those of you not cursed by this parasitic food, I will explain. It all starts when someone gives you a loaf of bread and a plastic bag of starter. The "starter" is yellowish and smells a bit. You squish it and add flour, sugar, and milk. Then you wait. Then you scoop some out, mix it with other stuff, and bake it. You save some, though, so you can go through the whole process again. We got a bag of goop at Christmas, and it has become an obsession. The only strange thing is that you use instant pudding in the bread, so it's not very Amish. However, if you use chocolate pudding mix, you get something that resembles brownies. Yum. But let this be a warning to those who start a bag: DON'T.