I, ______________, to take care of my pet(s) __________ __________________. I will get them spayed or neutered, and I will give them fresh food and water in a clean dish every day. I promise to never abandon them.
This pledge was slightly problematic for me. I didn't know how I could fit the words goat, geese, dog, fish, and turtle in the space allowed, much less Mary, Lacy, Marshmallow, Blackie, Forty-Niner, and Shimmer. Also, I didn't know if you even could spay or neuter a fish or a turtle. I don't even know wether Shimmer or Forty-Niner is a boy or a girl. There is no reason whatsoever for me to spay my geese, and it is just plain stupid to think I am going to spay Mary-- I want her to have a kid so I can milk her. In fact, Blackie is the only one of my pets that is spayed. I would really like to adopt a pregnant cat so she wouldn't have to have her kittens in the animal shelter. It would be fun.