We had a few minor difficulties with the box. We made the perfect box for having kittens in-- big enough to be comfortable, towel lined, et cetera. It's location was the problem. We had stuck it in a corner of the room that doesn't get that much traffic. But Grizabella wanted it under the bed, where That Pest (i.e., Blackie) couldn't get at it. Oh all right.
I found out another interesting thing about Grizabella. She likes pretzels! I was getting myself a snack and I dropped a pretzel. Before you could say "cat", she had gobbled it down.
We feed her on dry food. We also use litter for multiple cats, because one of those bins goes a long way.
My birthday is coming up soon. March 8th, to be exact. I won't care if I get don't get anything. Having a cat is great. I think I'll go practice handsprings. :-)