Saturday, November 21, 2009

The School Thanksgiving Play

Yesterday was crazy. If anyone mentions the word "pilgrim" , all the kids in the school ages third grade+ will crack up. Every year, the second graders put on a short play on the first Thanksgiving. Well apparently last year a lot of kids forgot their lines, so the teacher decided to have a narrator reading off cue cards, and the kids would simply act out what the narrator read. The play started out fine.

"The pilgrims set off for the new world in a ship called the Mayflower. After weeks of sailing the ship landed--"

Then disaster struck. The narrator accidentally dropped the cards all over the place. He quickly picked them back up in any old order.

"-- on long tables--of smelly fish --ninety-nine indians came.-- The pilgrims stepped on--governor Bradford-- who had issued a proclamation-- called the Mayflower Compact-- who said that the day would be a holiday of feasting-- in with the corn seed."

The play went downhill from there. The kids, being that they were knucklehead second-graders, didn't realize that they were getting it wrong. Needless to say, there will be no narrator next year. I guess I've got to go get the puppy's space set up-- we're going to pick her up today.